title="{Scalable, Programmable and Dense: The HammerBlade Open-Source RISC-V Manycore}",
author={Dai Cheol Jung and Max Ruttenberg and Paul Gao and Scott Davidson and Daniel Petrisko and Kangli Li and Aditya K Kamath and Lin Cheng and Shaolin Xie and Peitian Pan and Zhongyuan Zhao and Zichao Yue and Bandhav Veluri and Sripathi Muralitharan and Adrian Sampson  and Andrew Lumsdaine and Zhiru Zhang and Christopher Batten and Mark Oskin and Dustin Richmond and  Michael Bedford Taylor},

title="{RISE: RISC-V SoC for En/Decryption Acceleration on the Edge for Homomorphic Encryption}",
author={Zahra Azad and Guowei Yang and Rashmi Agrawal and Daniel Petrisko and Michael Taylor and Ajay Joshi},
booktitle={IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems},
title="{Beyond Static Parallel Loops: Supporting Dynamic Task Parallelism on Manycore Architectures with Software-Managed Scratchpad Memories}",
author={ Lin Cheng and Max Ruttenberg and Dai Cheol Jung and Dustin Richmond and Michael Taylor and Mark Oskin and Christopher Batten },

title="{A Research-Fertile Co-Emulation Framework for RISC-V Processor Verification}",
author={Anoop Mysore Nataraja},
School={University of Washington},

title="ProcessorFuzz: Processor Fuzzing with Control and Status Registers Guidance",
author={Sadullah Canakci and Chathura Rajapaksha and Leila Delshadtehrani and Anoop Nataraja and Michael Bedford Taylor and Manuel Egele and Ajay Joshi},

title={NeuriCam: Low-Power Video Acquisition using Dual-Mode IoT Cameras},
author={ Bandhav Veluri and Collin Pernu and Ali Saffari and Joshua Smith and Michael Taylor and Shyam Gollakota },

title={RACE: RISC-V SoC for En/decryption ACceleration on the Edge for Homomorphic Computation.},
author={Z. Azad and G. Yang and R. Agrawal and D. Petrisko and M. Taylor and A. Joshi},

title="{A Complete Open Source Network Stack For BlackParrot}",
author={Yuan-Mao Chueh},
School={University of Washington},

title="{Code Generation and Optimization of Graph Programs on a Manycore Architecture}",
author={Emily Furst},
School={University of Washington},

title="{ParrotPiton and ZynqParrot: FPGA Enablements for the BlackParrot RISC-V Processor}",
author={Shashank Vijaya Ranga},
School={University of Washington},

title="{TinyParrot: An Integration-Optimized Linux-Capable Host Multicore}",
author={Sripathi Muralitharan},
School={University of Washington},

title="{Caches for Complex Open Source System-on-Chip Designs}",
author={Dai Cheol Jung},
School={University of Washington},

title="{Specialization as a Candle in the Dark Silicon Regime}",
author={Nathan Goulding-Hotta},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Specialization as a Candle in the Dark Silicon Regime}",
author={Moein Khazraee},
School={University of California, San Diego},

  author={Cheng, Lin and Pan, Peitian and Zhao, Zhongyuan and Ranjan, Krithik and Weber, Jack and Veluri, Bandhav and Ehsani, Seyed Borna and Ruttenberg, Max and Jung, Dai Cheol and Ivanov, Preslav and Richmond, Dustin and Taylor, Michael B. and Zhang, Zhiru and Batten, Christopher},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems}, 
  title={A Tensor Processing Framework for CPU-Manycore Heterogeneous Systems}, 

title={{RACE: RISC-V SoC for En/decryption ACceleration on the Edge for Homomorphic Computation}},
author={Z. Azad and G. Yang and R. Agrawal and D. Petrisko and M. Taylor and A. Joshi },

title={{DirectFuzz: Automated Test Generation for RTL Designs using Directed Graybox Fuzzing}},
author={Sadullah Canakci and Leila Delshadtehrani and Furkan Eris and Michael Bedford Taylor and  Manuel Egele and Ajay Joshi},

title={Taming the Zoo: A Unified Graph Compiler Framework for Novel Architectures},
author={ Ajay Brahmakshatriya and  Emily Furst and  Victor Ying and  Claire Hsu and  Max Ruttenberg and  Yunming Zhang and  Tommy Jung and  Dustin Richmond and  Michael Taylor and  Julian Shun and  Mark Oskin and  Daniel Sanchez and  Saman Amarasinghe },

title={$\eta$-{LSTM}: Co-Designing Highly-Efficient Large LSTM Training via Exploiting Memory-Saving and Architectural Design Opportunities},
author={Xingyao Zhang and Haojun Xia and Donglin Zhuang and Hao Sun and Xin Fu and Michael Taylor and Shuaiwen Leon Song},

title={ {Q-VR}: System-Level Design for Future Mobile Collaborative Virtual Reality },
author = { Chenhao Xie and Xie Li and Yang Hu and Huwan Peng and Michael Taylor and Shuaiwen Leon Song },
booktitle = {ASPLOS},
year = {2021}

title={ Your agile open source {HW} stinks (because it is not a system) },
author={ Michael Bedford Taylor},
booktitle = {ICCAD},
year = { 2020 }

 title={{Ruche Networks: Wire-Maximal, No-Fuss NoCs}},
 author={Dai Cheol Jung and Scott Davidson and Chun Zhao and Dustin Richmond and Michael Bedford Taylor},

 title={{NoC Symbiosis}},
 author={Daniel Petrisko and Chun Zhao and Scott Davidson and Paul Gao and Dustin Richmond and Michael Bedford Taylor},

title={ Extreme Datacenter Specialization for Planet-Scale Computing: ASIC Clouds },
author={ Shaolin Xie and Scott Davidson and Ikuo Magaki and Moein Khazraee and Luis Vega and Lu Zhang and Michael B. Taylor},
booktitle={ACM Sigops Operating System Review},

author = {Taylor, Michael Bedford and Vega, Luis and Khazraee, Moein and Magaki, Ikuo and Davidson, Scott and Richmond, Dustin},
title = {{ASIC} Clouds: Specializing the Datacenter for Planet-Scale Applications},
year = {2020},
issue_date = {July 2020},
journal = {CACM},
pages = {103-109}

author={ Byron Hawkins and Brian Demsky and Michael Bedford Taylor },
title ={{ BlackBox: Lightweight Security Monitoring for COTS Binaries}},
year = { 2016 },
booktitle = { Code Generation and Optimization }

author={ Byron Hawkins and Brian Demsky and Michael Bedford Taylor },
title = {{A Runtime Approach to Security and Privacy}},
year = { 2016 },
booktitle = { European Security and Privacy }

author={D. {Petrisko} and F. {Gilani} and M. {Wyse} and D. C. {Jung} and S. {Davidson} and P. {Gao} and C. {Zhao} and Z. {Azad} and S. {Canakci} and B. {Veluri} and T. {Guarino} and A. {Joshi} and M. {Oskin} and M. B. {Taylor}},
journal={IEEE Micro},
title={{BlackParrot: An Agile Open-Source RISC-V Multicore for Accelerator SoCs}},

author={D. {Park} and S. {Pal} and S. {Feng} and P. {Gao} and J. {Tan} and A. {Rovinski} and S. {Xie} and C. {Zhao} and A. {Amarnath} and T. {Wesley} and J. {Beaumont} and K. {Chen} and C. {Chakrabarti} and M. B. {Taylor} and T. {Mudge} and D. {Blaauw} and H. {Kim} and R. G. {Dreslinski}},
journal={IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits},
title={{A 7.3 M Output Non-Zeros/J, 11.7 M Output Non-Zeros/GB Reconfigurable Sparse Matrix–Matrix Multiplication Accelerator}},

author={A. {Rovinski} and C. {Zhao} and K. {Al-Hawaj} and P. {Gao} and S. {Xie} and C. {Torng} and S. {Davidson} and A. {Amarnath} and L. {Vega} and B. {Veluri} and A. {Rao} and T. {Ajayi} and J. {Puscar} and S. {Dai} and R. {Zhao} and D. {Richmond} and Z. {Zhang} and I. {Galton} and C. {Batten} and M. B. {Taylor} and R. G. {Dreslinski}},
journal={IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters},
title={{Evaluating Celerity: A 16-nm 695 Giga-RISC-V Instructions/s Manycore Processor With Synthesizable PLL}},

author={S. {Pal} and D. {Park} and S. {Feng} and P. {Gao} and J. {Tan} and A. {Rovinski} and S. {Xie} and C. {Zhao} and A. {Amarnath} and T. {Wesley} and J. {Beaumont} and K. {Chen} and C. {Chakrabarti} and M. {Taylor} and T. {Mudge} and D. {Blaauw} and H. {Kim} and R. {Dreslinski}},
booktitle={Symposium on VLSI Circuits},
title={{A 7.3 M Output Non-Zeros/J Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Accelerator using Memory Reconfiguration in 40 nm}},

author={A. {Rovinski} and C. {Zhao} and K. {Al-Hawaj} and P. {Gao} and S. {Xie} and C. {Torng} and S. {Davidson} and A. {Amarnath} and L. {Vega} and B. {Veluri} and A. {Rao} and T. {Ajayi} and J. {Puscar} and S. {Dai} and R. {Zhao} and D. {Richmond} and Z. {Zhang} and I. {Galton} and C. {Batten} and M. B. {Taylor} and R. G. {Dreslinski}},
booktitle={2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits},
title={{A 1.4 GHz 695 Giga Risc-V Inst/s 496-Core Manycore Processor With Mesh On-Chip Network and an All-Digital Synthesized PLL in 16nm CMOS}},

author={Scott Davidson and Shaolin Xie and Chris Torng and Khalid Al-Hawaj and Austin Rovinski and Tutu Ajayi and Luis Vega and Chun Zhao and Ritchie Zhao and Steve Dai and Aporva Amarnath and Bandhav Veluri and Paul Gao and Anuj Rao and Gai Liu and Rajesh K. Gupta and Zhiru Zhang and Ronald Dreslinski and Christopher Batten and Michael Bedford Taylor},
journal={Micro, IEEE}, title={{The Celerity Open-Source 511-core RISC-V Tiered Accelerator Fabric}},

author={Michael B. Taylor},
booktitle="Design Automation Conference",
title={{BaseJump STL: SystemVerilog needs a Standard Template Library for Hardware Design}},

author={Hadi Esmaeilzadeh and Michael Bedford Taylor},
booktitle="SIGARCH Computer Architecture Today",
title={{Open Source Hardware: Stone Soups and Not Stone Satues, Please}},

author={Michael Bedford Taylor},
booktitle="SIGARCH Computer Architecture Today",
title={{Geocomputers and the Commercial Borg}},

author={Alric Althoff and Joseph McMahan and Luis Vega and Scott Davidson and Timothy Sherwood and Michael Taylor and Ryan Kastner},
title={{Hiding Intermittant Information Leakage with Architectural Support for Blinking}},
booktitle={International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)}

author={Michael Taylor},
journal={Computer, IEEE}, title={{The Evolution of Bitcoin Hardware}},

title={{Celerity: An Open Source RISC-V Tiered Accelerator Fabric}},
author={Ritchie Zhao and Chun Zhao and Shaolin Xie and Bandhav Veluri and Luis Vega and Christopher Torng and Ningxiao Sun and Austin Rovinski and Anuj Rao and Gai Liu and Paul Gao and Scott Davidson and Steve Dai and Aporva Amarnath and KhalidAl-Hawaj and Tutu Ajayi Christopher Batten and Ronald G. Dreslinski and Rajesh K.Gupta and Michael B.Taylor and Zhiru Zhang},
booktitle={7th {RISC-V} Workshop},

title={{Celerity: An Open Source RISC-V Tiered Accelerator Fabric}},
author={Tutu Ajayi and Khalid Al-Hawaj and  Aporva Amarnath and  Steve Dai and  Scott Davidson and  
Paul Gao and  Gai Liu and  Atieh Lotfi and  Julian Puscar and  Anuj Rao and  Austin Rovinski and  
Loai Salem and  Ningxiao Sun and  Christopher Torng and  Luis Vega and  Bandhav Veluri and  Xiaoyang Wang and 
Shaolin Xie and  Chun Zhao and  Ritchie Zhao and  Christopher Batten and  Ronald G. Dreslinski and  Ian Galton and  Rajesh K. Gupta and 
Patrick P. Mercier and  Mani Srivastava and  Michael Bedford Taylor and Zhiru Zhang},

title={{ RV-IOV: Tethering RISC-V Processors via Scalable I/O Virtualization }},
author={ Luis Vega and Michael Bedford Taylor },

author={Moein Khazraee and Luis Vega and Ikuo Magaki and Michael Taylor},
title={{Specializing a Planet's Computation: ASIC Clouds}},
journal={IEEE Micro}

author={Moein Khazraee and Lu Zhang and Luis Vega and Michael Taylor},
title={{Moonwalk: NRE Optimization in ASIC Clouds or, accelerators will use old silicon}},
booktitle={Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)}

author={Ikuo Magaki and Moein Khazraee and Luis Vega and Michael Taylor},
title={{ASIC Clouds: Specializing the Datacenter}},
booktitle={International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)}

author={Shelby Thomas and Chetan Gohkale and Enrico Tanuwidjaja and Tony Chong and David Lau and Saturnino Garcia and Michael Bedford Taylor},
booktitle={International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)}, title={{CortexSuite: A Synthetic Brain Benchmark Suite}},

author={Michael Taylor},
booktitle="Design Automation and Test in Europe", 
title={{A Landscape of the New Dark Silicon Design Regime}},

author={Michael Taylor},
journal={Micro, IEEE}, title={{A Landscape of the New Dark Silicon Design Regime}},

author={Qiaoshi Zheng and Nathan Goulding-Hotta and Scott Ricketts and
Steven Swanson and Michael Bedford Taylor and Jack Sampson },
journal={Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)}, title={Exploring Energy Scalability in Coprocessor-Dominated Architectures for Dark Silicon},

author = {Michael B. Taylor},
title = {{Bitcoin and the Age of Bespoke Silicon}},
booktitle = {International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES)},
year = {2013}

	title = {QualityTime: A Simple Online Technique for Quantifying Multicore Execution Efficiency },
	author = {Anshuman Gupta and Jack Sampson and Michael Bedford Taylor},
 booktitle = {International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)},
	year = {2014}

	title = {{DR-SNUCA}: An Energy-Scalable Dynamically Partitioned Cache},
	author = {Anshuman Gupta and Jack Sampson and Michael Bedford Taylor},
 booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)},
	year = {2013}

	title = {{Time Cube: A Manycore Embedded Processor with Interference-Agnostic Progress Tracking}},
	author = {Anshuman Gupta and Jack Sampson and Michael Bedford Taylor},
 booktitle = {International Conference On Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling And Simulation (SAMOS)},
	year = {2013}

	title = {{Skadu: Efficient Vector Shadow Memories for Poly-scopic Program Analysis}},
	author = {Donghwan Jeon and Saturnino Garcia and Michael Bedford Taylor},
 booktitle = {Conference on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)},
	year = {2013}

author={Garcia, S. and Donghwan Jeon and Louie, C. and Taylor, M.B.}, 
journal={Micro, IEEE}, title={{The Kremlin Oracle for Sequential Code Parallelization}}, 
month={July-Aug. }, 

author = {Michael B. Taylor},
title = {{Is Dark Silicon Useful? Harnessing the Four Horsemen of the Coming Dark Silicon Apocalypse}},
booktitle = {Design Automation Conference (DAC)},
year = {2012}

author = { Vikram Bhatt and Nathan Goulding-Hotta and Qiaoshi Zheng and Jack Sampson and Steve Swanson and Michael B. Taylor },
title = {{ Sichrome: Mobile web browsing in Hardware to save Energy }},
booktitle = { Dark Silicon Workshop, ISCA },
year = { 2012 }

author = {Nathan Goulding-Hotta and Jack Sampson and Qiaoshi Zheng and Vikram Bhatt and Steven Swanson and Michael Taylor},
title = {{GreenDroid: An Architecture for the Dark Silicon Age}},
booktitle = {Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC)},
year = {2012}

author = {Ganesh Venkatesh and John Sampson and  Nathan Goulding and Sravanthi Kota Venkata and Michael Bedford Taylor and Steven Swanson},
title = {{QsCores: Configurable Co-processors to Trade Dark Silicon for Energy Efficiency in a Scalable Manner}},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)},
year = {2011}

author={Beresini, B. and Ricketts, S. and Taylor, M.B.},
booktitle={Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), 2011 NASA/ESA Conference on},
title={Unifying manycore and FPGA processing with the {RUSH} architecture},
pages={22 -28},

title={{Kismet: Parallel Speedup Estimates for Serial Programs}},
author={Donghwan Jeon and Saturnino Garcia and Chris Louie and Michael Bedford Taylor},
year = { 2011 },
booktitle = { Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Language and Applications (OOPSLA) }

 author = {Jack Sampson and Manish Arora and Nathan Goulding-Hotta and Ganesh Venkatesh and Jonathan Babb and Vikram Bhatt and Michael Bedford Taylor and Steven Swanson},
 title = {{An Evaluation of Selective Depipelining for FPGA-based Energy-Reducing Irregular Code Coprocessors}},
 booktitle = {Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)},
 year = {2011}

author={Goulding-Hotta, N. and Sampson, J. and Venkatesh, G. and Garcia, S. and Auricchio, J. and Huang, P. and Arora, M. and Nath, S. and Bhatt, V. and Babb, J. and Swanson, S. and Taylor, M.},
journal={Micro, IEEE}, 
title={{The GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor: An Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future}},

	title = {{Kremlin: Rethinking and Rebooting gprof for the Multicore Age}},
	author = {Saturnino Garcia and Donghwan Jeon and Chris Louie and Michael Bedford Taylor},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)},
	year = {2011}

author={Donghwan Jeon and Saturnino Garcia and Chris Louie and Michael Bedford Taylor},
title = "{Parkour: Parallel Speedup Estimates from Serial Code}",
booktitle="{USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HOTPAR)}",
year = {2011}

author = { Steven Swanson and Michael Taylor},
title = "{GreenDroid: Exploring the next evolution for smartphone application processors}",
booktitle="{IEEE Communications Magazine}",
year = "2011",
month = {March}

 author = {Manish Arora and Jack Sampson and Nathan Goulding-Hotta and Jonathan Babb and Ganesh Venkatesh and Michael Bedford Taylor and Steven Swanson},
 title = {{Reducing the Energy Cost of Irregular Code Bases in Soft Processor Systems}},
 booktitle = {IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM)},
 year = {2011}

title={{Kremlin: Like gprof,  but for Parallelization}},
author={Donghwan Jeon and Saturnino Garcia and Chris Louie and Sravanthi {Kota Venkata} and Michael Bedford Taylor},
year = { 2011 },
booktitle = { Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP) }

 author = {Jack Sampson and Ganesh Venkatesh and Nathan Goulding-Hotta and Saturnino Garcia and Steven Swanson and Michael Bedford Taylor},
 title = "{Efficient Complex Operators for Irregular Codes}",
 booktitle = {High Performance Computing Architecture (HPCA)},
 year = {2011}

author={Saturnino Garcia and Donghwan Jeon and Chris Louie and Sravanthi {Kota Venkata} and Michael Bedford Taylor},
title = "{Bridging the Parallelization Gap: Automating Parallelism Discovery and Planning}",
booktitle="{USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HOTPAR)}",
year = {2010}

author = { Nathan Goulding and Jack Sampson and Ganesh Venkatesh and Saturnino Garcia and Joe Auricchio and Jonathan Babb and Michael Taylor and Steven Swanson },
title = "{GreenDroid: A Mobile Application Processor for a Future of Dark Silicon}",
year = "2010"

 author = {Venkatesh, Ganesh and Sampson, Jack and Goulding, Nathan and Garcia, Saturnino and Bryksin, Vladyslav and Lugo-Martinez, Jose and Swanson, Steven and Taylor, Michael Bedford},
 title = {{Conservation cores: reducing the energy of mature computations}},
 booktitle = {Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},
 year = {2010}

 author = { Sravanthi {Kota Venkata} and IkkJin Ahn and Donghwan Jeon and Anshuman Gupta and Michael Taylor },
 title = "{SD-VBS: The San Diego Vision Benchmark Suite}",
 booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)},
 year = {2009}

 author = {Zhu, Yi and Hu, Yuanfang and Taylor, Michael and Cheng, Chung-Kuan},
 title = {Energy and Switch Area Optimizations for {FPGA} Global Routing Architectures},
 booktitle = {ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)},
 month ={January},
 year = {2009},

author = { Hu and Zhu and Taylor and Cheng },
title={{FPGA Global Routing Architecture Optimization Using a Multicommodity Flow Approach }},
booktitle = {{ICCD}},
year = { 2007}

 author = {Zhu, Yi and Taylor, Michael and Baden, Scott B. and Cheng, Chung-Kuan},
 title = {Advancing supercomputer performance through interconnection topology synthesis},
 booktitle = {International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)},
 year = {2008},
 pages = {555--558},

  author    = {Karen Zee and
               Viktor Kuncak and
               Michael Taylor and
               Martin C. Rinard},
  title     = {Runtime Checking for Program Verification},
  booktitle = {RV},
  year      = {2007}

title="{Tiled Microprocessors}",
author={Michael Taylor},
School={Massachusetts Institute of Technology},

author="Michael B. Taylor and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title="{Scalar Operand Networks}",
booktitle="IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems",

author="Michael B. Taylor and Walter Lee and Jason Miller and David Wentzlaff and Ian Bratt and Ben Greenwald and Henry Hoffmann and Paul Johnson and Jason Kim and James Psota and Arvind Saraf and Nathan Shnidman and Volker Strumpen and Matt Frank and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title = "{Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams}",
 booktitle = "International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)",

author="Michael B. Taylor and Jason Kim and Jason Miller and David Wentzlaff and Fae Ghodrat and Ben Greenwald and Henry Hoffmann and Paul Johnson and Jae-Wook Lee and Walter Lee and Albert Ma and Arvind Saraf and Mark Seneski and Nathan Shnidman and Volker Strumpen and Matt Frank and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title = "{The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General Purpose Programs}",
booktitle = "IEEE Micro",

author="Jason Kim and Michael B. Taylor and Jason Miller and David Wentzlaff",
title="{Energy Characterization of a Tiled Architecture Processor with On-Chip Networks}",
booktitle="International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED)",

author="Michael B. Taylor and Jason Kim and Jason Miller and David Wentzlaff and Fae Ghodrat and Ben Greenwald and Henry Hoffmann and Paul Johnson and Walter Lee and Arvind Saraf and Nathan Shnidman and Volker Strumpen and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title="{A 16-issue Multiple-Program-Counter Microprocessor with Point-to-Point Scalar Operand Network}",
booktitle="IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)",

author="Michael B. Taylor and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title="{Scalar Operand Networks}",
booktitle="IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)",

author="Michael B. Taylor and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title="{Scalar Operand Networks: On-Chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architectures}",
booktitle="International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)",

  title={The Raw processor-a scalable 32-bit fabric for embedded and general purpose computing},
  author={Taylor, MB and Kim, J and Miller, J and Ghodrat, F and Greenwald, B and Johnson, P and Lee, W and Ma, A and Shnidman, N and Strumpen, V and others},
  booktitle={Proceedings of Hot Chips XIII},

author="Elliot Waingold and Michael Taylor and Devabhaktuni Srikrishna and Vivek Sarkar and Walter Lee and Victor Lee and Jang Kim and Matthew Frank and Peter Finch and Rajeev Barua and Jonathan Babb and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
title="{Baring it all to Software: Raw Machines}",
booktitle="IEEE Computer",

author="Jonathan Babb and Matthew Frank and Victor Lee and Elliot Waingold and Rajeev Barua and Michael Taylor and Jang Kim and Srikrishna Devabhaktuni and Anant Agarwal",
title="{The Raw Benchmark Suite: Computation Structures for General Purpose Computing}",
booktitle="{IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM)}",

    author = {A. Agarwal and S. Amarasinghe and R. Barua and M. Frank and W. Lee and V. Sarkar and D. Srikrishna and M. Taylor},
    title = {{The RAW compiler project}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second SUIF Compiler Workshop},
    year = {1997},
    pages = {21--23}

title="{ArCuS: An Architecture for ASIC Cloud based Server}",
author={Pulkit Bhatnagar},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Exploring Energy and Scalability in Coprocessor-Dominated Architectures for Dark Silicon Regime}",
author={Qiaoshi Zheng},
School={Northwestern Polytechnical University},

title="{Software and Hardware Techniques for Attacking the Multicore Interference Problem}",
author={Anshuman Gupta},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{The Arsenal Tool Chain for the GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor}",
author={Fei Jia},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Parallel Speedup Estimates for Serial Programs}",
author={Donghwan Jeon},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{A Practical Oracle for Sequential Code Parallelization}",
author={Saturnino Garcia},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Configurable Energy-Efficient Co-processors to Scale the Utilization Wall}",
author={Ganesh Venkatesh},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Efficient Cache-Coherent Migration for Heterogeneous Coprocessors in Dark Silicon Limited Technology}",
author={Scott Ricketts},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Design and Architecture of Automatically-generated Energy-reducing Coprocessors}",
author={John Sampson},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{ASIC life extension through hardware patch interfaces}",
author={Slavik Bryksin},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{A Portable MATLAB Front-end for Tiled Microprocessors}",
author={Hyojin Sung},
School={University of California, San Diego},

title="{Genetic Compilation for Tiled Microprocessors}",
author={Jin Seok Lee},
School={University of California, San Diego},